Made in Brazil Magazine Preview

Posted by Stephan Moskovic | April 28th, 2010
Made In Brazil has long been the best resource for all things fashionably Brazilian, but with the launch of their very first print magazine they take things to the next level. No ads, no excess, just stunning photos of Brazil’s hottest boys in an incredible large format style. Evandro, Max, Thiago, all the boys are here and looking incredible, Cristiano Madureira‘s sexy and daring images present a refreshing take on male beauty and everyone can appreciate the added bonus of a little skin.

The MIB magazine doesn’t launch until May — but we have an exclusive preview of what’s to come, prepare to be titillated.

GET YOUR OWN COPY: The Made in Brazil Magazine will be coming out in a limited edition (only 1,000 copies) on May 3rd, and we have 5 copies to give away to our readers!

Do you love Brazil? Do you love male models? Can you prove it? Tell us why you should win a free copy of the Made In Brazil magazine and you just might walk away with a special edition. The five most persuasive comments will get a free copy!
Put your email address when posting a comment below and we will select the five best ones and email them. UPDATED July 9th: The winners are announced! Please contact us by July 19th.

GET YOUR OWN COPY: The Made in Brazil Magazine will be coming out in a limited edition (only 1,000 copies) on May 3rd, and we have 5 copies to give away to our readers!

Do you love Brazil? Do you love male models? Can you prove it? Tell us why you should win a free copy of the Made In Brazil magazine and you just might walk away with a special edition. The five most persuasive comments will get a free copy!
Put your email address when posting a comment below and we will select the five best ones and email them.

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160 Comments to “Made in Brazil Magazine Preview”

  1. tate tullier says:

    This is brilliant! I have been a avid follower for a great while. This sort of thing needs to bleed into my home state of Louisiana. We have many gorgeous men and women in the great deep South of America that just go throughout their lives without the realization that they’re very sexy people. I would love your magazine to display in my living room and teach this state about what it is all about being comfortable in their own skin, and to show it off! Great job to everyone at Made in Brazil.

  2. André says:

    Esses modelos brasileiros são de tirar o folêgo. Uauuuuuu

    Parabéns Made in Brazil

  3. Thomas says:

    I deserve it, because I deserve it!

  4. gossip girl says:

    A beleza brasileira é certamente uma fonte inesgotável.
    É mais do que certo explorar isso ao fundo.

    Sou brasileira com orgulho!!!

  5. Andrea says:

    Why someone should love brazilian models? Well, the answer is so simple: look at them. They are the perfection: cool faces, muscular bodies, amazing white smiles, and a great erotic charge that makes them an unique and unbelievable example of male specimen. Give them dresses or just let them pose naked… it doesn’t mind: their skin speaks the language of beauty, their eyes are wild and colored like the country they come from. Try out their blend: an incredible concentrate of desire, passion, power, in an iresistible mix of spicy hormones.
    Wasn’t this sufficient to understand why I DO love Brazilian wonderful creatures? Probably no words can definetely explain it, since no words can express the feelings that come from brain when you look at something so gorgeus. Anyway, isn’t this a sort of spiritual, fashionable *orgasm*? Yes, it is. So that’s why you should send me a copy of the new magazine: let me have my *orgasm*, and help my spirituality. ^__^

  6. Oshcar says:

    Because I just wet myself looking at the preview pics. Ohhh Evandro…

  7. Camillo Camus says:

    Well, anyone with name like mine should inspire especially as I have been committed to fashion since the 80s…I know, I am old and for that reason I should be given this magazine as token of appreciation for my years of real committment to the world of fashion. I am, after all, one of the original ‘fashion victims” AND in addition to that I speak 6 languages, including (Brazilian)Portuguese which means I can spread the word! Good luck to you all who have submitted a message, many of them very colourful…..Thanks for reading, Camillo

  8. Erik says:

    I want a copy because I know these boys, book these boys and love these boys

  9. Caesar says:

    Brazil es realmente el pais mas grande del Mundo. Todo vibra de vida, la vegetacion, la gente, los chicos, es un paraiso… Todo es felicidad, alegria, satisfaccion para todos los sentidos.
    Cuando estas en Brasil tu cuerpo y tus celulas comienzan a crecer ya desarrollarse para estar a tono con lo que te rodea, porque en Brasil la vida y la belleza crecen por todas partes.

  10. Greg W. says:

    A few years ago I worked with the foreign youth exchange program. The Brazilian students were the most outgoing students of all from around the world. I LOVE Latin men and used to live with a man from Equador who made me love them even more. Brazilian men are the hottest ment in the world. Please consider me for a copy of your magazine. Oh, and yes I am very happily a gay man just like my bud Ricky Martin.

  11. Marcela says:

    I want a copy because I’am brasileira (brazilian) Born and raised… and I miss seeing my beautiful Brazilian men and women walking dow the streets everyday. I am daughter to a (Dad) Italian immigrant to Brasil, and a (Mom) African Brought from africa to Bahia, The state of Bahia have the most black population in the whole south America. Can you tell I love Brasil and my people.?

  12. Kris says:

    I draw my stars with hues of gold
    Attracting people young and old
    Beauty reflected in other’s eyes
    Departing a room to the sound of sighs

    I see beyond the cover, boys
    The men who’d use you just as toys
    Green and brown and blue eyed stares
    Who gives a fuck, I mean who really cares

    I care for you, in ways you see
    In things you know come just from me
    In ways you don’t, but feel real deep
    It wakes me at night and robs me of sleep

    Wish I had some holy power
    Sitting high up in my tower
    Healing hands or sacred bone
    Instead of just calling you on the phone

    Need to feel needed , yeah it’s true
    I’m out here because of you
    Love you all, I try to show it
    Hiding behind the words of a poet

  13. Davidoff says:

    I would really like to get a copy because the magazine seems to be quite awesome! I also work for a model agency which represent some of the greatest Brazillian male models in the industry! Please, please send me a copy!

  14. lily says:

    who’s the one with tatoos ?

  15. jamie says:

    okay does anyone know the name of that Hot specimen guy with tattoos doing sort of a yoga pose; I need his name please……

  16. PRETTY PLEASE! 😀 I’m going on a trip to Brazil and this will definitely prepare me to what i’m about to experience. XD

  17. Ryan says:

    I’m a young historian of sex. I’m a historian of sex in Latin America. And I work on Brazil, Mexico, and Cuba. I’m even writing a paper about masculinity, fashion, and representation in these three countries. So aside from getting to drool over the hot menz…I could put the magazine to good use and immortalize your generosity in my work!

  18. schneider says:

    where is SCHNEIDER?!

  19. Ian B. says:

    I love fashion, I love Brazil, I love males, I love models, I love male models and my birthday is on May 2nd, so it will be the best birthday gift that I’d EVER win.

  20. RODRIGO ZAP says:


  21. Christopher says:

    Brazilians are genetic mongrels. They have a little bit of everything mixed up inside them, like a melting pot of race and culture, which probably accounts for their devastating beauty. It’s the way forward – let’s mix it up a little!

    Men are powerful and beautiful at the same time. They are natural and raw and animalistic. The female sex is the stabilising factor of many species, but males are the ones who bring diversity and variety. They’re like nature’s experiment, sometimes producing deviants, but always producing greatness as well.

    When you combine the two, it’s magic: the magnificence of male essence with the passion of Brazilian energy, all wrapped up in a package of extreme seductive sexuality. It’s enough to bring anyone to their knees.

  22. I hope to see many editions of this magazine!

  23. And I would be very happy to be invited to photograph one editorial for them too! 🙂

  24. scott says:

    how about purchasing an electronic version. I want it on my new ipad, not all torn up under a bed a year from now.

  25. India Hodges says:

    I LOVE men! seriously. I could talk all day about how yummy and delicious male models are! and i’m only 17! Especially Brazilians! oh my oh my oh me. lol. I would love to receive a special edition “Made In Brazil” magazine because that website gives me all the good [and sometimes bad] new about Brazil and it’s people. I run home everyday after practice and check it, along with The men they present on the website. OMG! Bernardo Velasco, Evandro Soldati, and Francisco Lachowski! Some of my favorite models of all time. And I’ll never forget the gorgeous women on the site, Gisele, Adriana, and Raquel. Such a wonderful, wonderful website. So again I would LOVE to get a special edition of the magazine and show my true love for Brazil!

  26. I am a brazilian, a carioca who was borned and lived in Rio for 26 years, now a days I live in Chile. A very cold country, weather and spirit, compared to Brazil. Here the boys don´t walk almost nude on the streets(like in Rio), for my unhappiness. The chileans guys don´t have natural tan skin, the ginga while walking, the big smile although the situation. Diferenttly from ipanema, copacabana, reserva beach and almost all the beachs across the litoral of my country, here the sea is freezing, even in the summer, and the chilens boys don´t wear speedos, in any way. So, almost in tears, remembering the fascination that my country, Brazil- that since Eckout, Debret and Franz Post (19th century foreign painters who portayed and painted the people and the landscapes) through alair gomes, a brazilian photographer that in the 80´s took many pb photos of cariocas men on the sand- has exercised in the imaginarium of brazilians and brazilianers, I ask you: can you give me a little bit of happiness back? thanks

  27. Erwin says:

    Your magazine reafirms to me that I am GAY and should be PROUD of it. I will use your Magazine when I come out to my family. It is the best. Mind you, I need that magazine to come out!!!! Thanks and All the best to your magazine!!

  28. Jessica says:

    I love Brazil!!! Men are scortching hot!!! Even there when they excuse themselves to go to the restroom, I felt like they danced their way out of the room. They have this sex appeal like no other. And oh my their deep aggressive voices. Evandro Soldati and Francisco Lachowski can whisper in my ear sweet tunes any given day of the week. Please tell me one bares it all!!! Please just send me a copy!!!! I’ll give up meat for the rest of my life if I can have one of those beefcakes.

  29. i should win the magazine cause i took 24 hours to convince god that i should be born in Brazil. He is hard to be convinced! But i won, im in brazil right now and deserve this little piece of heaven. Even better this little piece of sweet hell… very sweet. 😉

  30. Duílio says:

    Porque eu sou brasileiro, precisa de motivo maior do que esse?! Quem melhor para ganhar a revista do que um autêntico brasileiro, escrevendo em um site inglês, na mais pura brasilidade de ser? Eu. Rsrsrs

  31. adrian says:

    Brazil men are like water to me, I need them to live! Made in Brazil is therefore a lifesaver. Save me!

  32. I deserve it because I love muffin’ Pugs. (6) Cought, cought, cought.

  33. Matimus says:

    Who is the model with the tattoos?

  34. fan says:

    i read made in brazil blog every single day so i deserve this special edition issue. that simnple. and you whoever got the authority to pick the 5 winners, YOU have to pick me!!!

  35. Super hot. Thanks for bringing it to our fans.

  36. ESkinny says:

    LOVE brazilians models boys or girls !!!
    since i knew Gisele im always watching EVERYTHING about Brazil, and btw Made in Brazil its in my top links

  37. Claudio says:

    Why I should win:
    Because I was MADE IN BRAZIL!(I really miss my country)
    Because the best models in the world are MADE IN BRAZIL!(the best man too)
    Because I read every single day MADE IN BRAZIL!(I’m addictive)
    Because all of that, I really deserve a copy of MADE IN BRAZIL magazine!(A little bit of sexy, brazilian man in my bedroom )

  38. Albert says:

    Reading Made in Brazil makes me want to get myself a hot Brazilian model boyfriend!!!!!

  39. Lucas says:

    Well, I’m from Brasil and though I know the mailing will be a tiny bit expensive, you guys would be doing me a favor, literally. So that’s what I think I’m doing: just asking you guys a favor. Not begging, not proving my worth, just asking for a favor.

    A propósito, seria muito interessante se, junto com a revista, voces me mandassem umas dicas de beleza, sabe? Tava pensando numas técnicas pra maquiagem masculina, sei lá. Brigadão. Lucas.

  40. EM says:

    I think it would be a sublime way to exalt the male Beauty.
    The randomness of male Beauty is awesome. It is a joke (what a joke!) by goddess Fortune and the product of the tenacity of man. Aesthetics, sublime aesthetics of a living creature is a precious present which, for its proper perishableness, should be immortalized. And only a photograph can do that.
    A book with these pictures would really be a cornucopia and a quintessence of this adoration, the adoration of the complete Beauty of man.

    I think this book should be mine because every time I’m in front of a male Beauty I can just tell: “A man too can rouse an attack of Stendhal syndrome”.

  41. diva says:

    pourquoi devrai-je avoir le magazine Made in Brazil entre mes mains aussi malicieuses qu elles soient? parce que je le vaux bien! parce que sur vous postez les plus bels et les plus sensuels hommes du brézil!!!! et que j attends avec délectation hihihi ce premier numéro depuis la création de votre site.mouah

  42. Ira says:



    The female sex is the stabilising factor of many species, but males are the ones who bring diversity and variety. They’re like nature’s experiment.

    now a days I live in Chile. A very cold country, weather and spirit, compared to Brazil. Here the boys don´t walk almost nude on the streets(like in Rio), for my unhappiness. The chileans guys don´t have natural tan skin, the ginga while walking, the big smile although the situation

  43. Ira says:

    thank you for your wit, Rodrigo ZAP, Christopher, and Antonio Gusmão ^^

  44. LeoDamas says:

    Nós brasileiros somos mesmo belos, mas isto parece surgir sobretudo de dentro para fora.
    Quem não concorda com uma energia pluricultural nestas fotos? Isto é ser brasileiro.

    Nous Brésiliens sont encore belles, mais cela semble résulter essentiellement de l’intérieur.
    Qui n’est pas d’accord avec une énergie multiculturelle dans ces photos? Il s’agit d’être brésilien.

    We Brazilians are even beautiful, but this seems to arise mainly from the inside out.
    Who does not agree with a multicultural energy in these photos? This is being Brazilian.

  45. JP says:

    A long time ago, far far away, I visited the country of Brazil. We trudged through rainforests, swam in rivers, did the “turista” thing. While driving back through the city in a janky shuttle, listening to our tour guide talk about his 7 different wives, I noticed a few things all the same. All these people were absolutely, breathtakingly beautiful. I kept thinking to myself “where did all these people come from?”, “why aren’t there men like this in my town?” I am from Southern California, where it is said that there are a lot of fine-looking gentelmen, but oh how they could never even COMPARE to these guys. Golden brown skin, dark chocolate hair, and bright eyes the color of the ocean that they would emerge out of in their tiny swim bottoms and perfectly chiseled bodies. I had arrived in the middle of one of my wettest dreams.

    I deserve a copy of this magazine because I will appreciate it!! The raw, raunchy, bare essence of these Brazilian Gods needs to be at my fingertips. Thank you!!

  46. Fetysz says:

    Brazilian men are like sex. You can live without it, but you wish you never had too. And I could live without looking at Fransisco Lachowski (for example) but I don’t want to.

  47. Roberto S. says:

    Since I can remember, models have always represented the best in fashion, beauty, and attitude. The world has been subjected to anorexic females, pale skinned goth males, and classical women and men that epitomized the era and genre of our societies. As the years have come and gone, one particular group of people have been making a permanent mark on society as a whole. Brazilians have always been known as beautiful, hard working, talented, artistic people. A melting pot of genes have been pooled and sorted through in such wondrous variations that boggle the mind. It is rare to see such leisure in soul. The best of what is in each of us is dominant in every Brazilian. And now the world is taking notice. Brazilians represent what the world should have been like if that sense of attitude acceptance and ambition had been the foregoing drive for success and happiness. Brazilian men – masculine, dominant, beautiful, confident – secure in their minds – this is what all men should strive to be. Brazilian men represent self control – an underlined drive to perfection. These characteristics are the driving force of what REAL men are. And to simply put it – Brazilian men have pride. All men should emulate these ideals. Personally, I would love a copy of this issue whether I win one or have to purchase it. You cannot place a price on what this magazine represents – it is not the beauty or maleness for that is self evident – it is not the eroticism that screams lust from its pages – it is the absolute perfection of a society that has come forward with the best they have to offer. Thanks!

  48. Adam says:

    Why do I deserve it?
    I think Brazil might be over-rated. Prove me otherwise!!

  49. Marianne says:

    What do u think I got the Brazilian wax and Brazilian blowout for? Send me that mag!!!

  50. Arnold says:

    Because… the Made In Brazil Magazine Models are 100% perfect, like Brazil and its men!


