Naomi Campbell

Meet Nyasha

MDC catches up with girl of the moment Nyasha Matonhodze

Looking Back : 2009’s Best Editorials

Rounding out our 2009 lists are our picks for best editorials of 09. Given that there were literally hundreds of editorials that came out this year, we went with the ones that stood out in our minds, kept us talking or just plain dazzled us.

Shooting Star, Miguel Reveriego

Miguel Reveriego, is one of fashion’s most dynamic photographers and his work has been featured everywhere from Numero to Harper’s Bazaar. Christopher Michael catches up with Miguel to discuss his incredible career and unique inspirations

Artists’ Muse

Nowhere is the power of a model’s image more evident than in the art it inspires. In recent years artists have taken a pointed interest in the perfection put forth by modeling’s finest.
