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February 27, 2004
Miss Jackson If You're Nasty

Janet Jackson Ph. Inez Lamweerde and Vinoodh Matadin
Whatever for that Superbowl Scandal. Janet Jackson claims her crown as latter day icon on the sweet and playful new V cover (set to hit stands March 15) that skillfully touts her forthcoming new album. Also highlighting the bumper issue is a lush 12 page floral extravaganza featuring Polina/Take 2 as shot by Solve Sunsbo. Then there is a steamy Diana Dondoe lensed by Mario Sorrenti and a loose and off-the-cuff layout featuring Liya as shot by Terry Richardson. Also of great inspiration is a young photograper compilation titled Stars and Stripes. If ever there was a must-buy V, this sure is the one.
Posted by wayne at 04:12 PM
Liya: Lithe and Languid

Liya/IMG. Ph. Mert and Marcus for Louis Vuitton S/S 04
Look! Its MDC's beloved cover-star Liya lying all lithe and languid in the hot Tunisian sun, working her moment with the help of a well placed burst of light. (Is it the"bling" or the pocket mirror?) Don't you just love it when nice girl's find their on-camera diva. To see the image in all its true glory nab the new V. Which reminds us...don't we have that Liya Q+A conducted just before the coutures docked and ready to run ? Stay tuned.
Posted by wayne at 04:02 PM
Pure Gold

Tiiu/Major. Ph Jean Baptiste Mondino for J'Adore
Now the truth can be told. We danced around the issue (y'know confidentiality clauses and all that) but another pleasant surprise in the new V is the unveiling of Tiiu's major J'Adore ad. Don't you just love the consistency of the creative?
Posted by wayne at 03:55 PM
Adriana Looming

Adriana Lima/DNA.Ph Russell James
Adriana Lima in all her Victoria's Secret Splendor.... A rare interview with photography dons Mert and Marcus- not to mention- MDC's picks for the Hot Ten Models set to go mainstream (in a 5 page extravaganza). With all these varying layers of content the new issue of American Photo certainly is a must- buy for all you rising photographers. Check it out ! ...Its true our priorities are a bit skewed (one eye on the clothes, the other on the cabine) but it is our duty to confirm that the "mystery black model" at that farewell Gucci extravaganza is indeed IMG's Mimi Roche.... And congrats are in order to Marilyn's resident swetheart Caroline Ribiero who is now the proud mother of a baby boy, John Phillippe. Mother and child are healthy and doing well.
Posted by wayne at 03:51 PM
February 23, 2004
Anne-Marie Awes

Anne-Marie/NY Models .Ph. Craig McDean for Vogue Paris March 04
Its barely hit the stands in Paris, but this editorial in French Vogue is whipping heads among clients in Europe. And that makes NY Models latest break out face one to watch on the must-book charts! Stay tuned!
Posted by wayne at 04:56 PM
Ford Force

Daria/Ford. Pola courtesy of Ford NY
One of the sleeper hits of the NY season was this Ford newcomer, Daria with 19 shows under her belt. Its going to be fun tracking her progress through Milan and Paris.
Posted by wayne at 04:54 PM
February 20, 2004
Fashion Week's Fall Wonders

That pesky PR company mislaid your backstage pass again? Tune into MDC's behind-the-scenes coverage of the frantic shows, hot new models, and mad after-parties that made the NY FW 04 shows such a high drama memory. And to think these lovely ladies still have Milan and Paris ahead of them!
Posted by modelsadmin at 04:46 PM
February 13, 2004
The Ascension Of Gemma Ward

What a week! The Calvin line-up in suspense right up until the morning of the shows. Emergency calls for fit models at 2 in the morning. More cancellations than it would be wise to repeat...But as the dust settles it was Gemma Ward who loomed large during the FW04 NY shows, swooping through virtually every major show in existence. This Aussie opened Zac, Vera Wang, and Narciso to make it clear that she is that second season girl who has clearly been groomed for stardom. That IMG just won't stop, will it!
Posted by wayne at 03:57 PM
Caroline's Transition

Caroline Trentini/Marilyn
Also bidding for her place in the runway/editorial/campaign A-list is Brazilian belle Caroline Trentini. This former MOTW truly came into her own this sesaon!
Posted by wayne at 03:49 PM
Natasha's It!

Natasha/Women. Pola courtesy of Women
They got it at Calvin. Ralph was on the case. Donna knows! With all the major figureheads nabbing her and all the right magazines booking her for the April editorials, Women's Natasha is one of the key girls contesting the bi-annual Girl Of Moment berth . These poloroids show the face in its pure state, but the body has to be seen to believed. She will be major!
Posted by wayne at 03:44 PM
Jana 's Moment

Making major moves too was 1 Mgmt's Jana, who is now racking up the must-book show options for Milan.
Posted by wayne at 03:38 PM
Adrijana Jams!

Adrijana/1 Mgmt. Pola courtesy of 1 Mgmt
It was a red hot week for 1's Adrijana whose severe brand of chic served her well at outposts like Proenza. With her couture style body line and that no-nonsense walk, she's totally one to watch!
Posted by wayne at 03:35 PM
Viva Valentina

You saw her opening the Ralph and walking that walk at the Calvin and what an impression Marilyn's Valentina made. She may have hit town late but every client who saw her coveted her. Milan awaits!...Now stay tuned for an exclusive Q+A with MDC's pick for New Face Of The Moment.
Posted by wayne at 03:26 PM
February 06, 2004
Caroline's Winning Way.

Caroline Winberg/Women. Ph.Steven Meisel for Italian Vogue

What adjectives can you use to describe Caroline Winberg's image for the new Italian Vogue hitting the stands? Sensual? Luscious? Sinuous? How about..Wow! This girl is now poised to claim the FW 04 season! ...That's perhaps why Women head honcho Paul Rowland is throwing an agency bash tommorow night (Feb 7th) at the nightspot PM lounge with his current bevy of his catwalk stars Carmen Kass, Isabeli Fontana, Louise Pedersen, Maja Latinovic, Caroline Winberg (of course), Ana Beatriz Barros, Nicole Trunfio, Julia Stegner. Since its an NC Connect connection expect to see 1 Mgmt's Naomi Campbell in attendance. Now how civil is that? .
Posted by kat at 01:44 PM
Cant Gets It!

Lisa Cant/Trump. Ph. Steven Meisel for Italian Vogue Feb 04

Its no secret how much we have loved Cant over the past nine months at MDC. So how buzzed were we to see her highlighting said Feb issue of Italian Vogue in her inimitable way! Somebody's charts is about to blow up!
Posted by wayne at 01:39 PM
Girls We Adore!

Rila/Trump. Digi-Pic: Betty Sze/MDC
Last season in our Fashion Week New Faces Preview you scoped out the likes of Marilyn's Michelle Buswell, Elite's Lucy Palmer and IMG's Maya Mazur (not to mention that cool MOTW Rianne/Elite). After 5 days of non-stop go-sees we scoped out a few of this year's intruiging New Faces, including D+G campaign cutie Rila whose killer personal style and sweet personality charmed the team no end. Stay tuned on Monday for our full-on New Faces bonanaza as MDC's Fashion Week coverage of the coolest models, shows, reps and parties goes live!
Posted by kat at 01:36 PM

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