Wave Management / The Wall

Wave Management / The Wall

Wave management was founded in 2015 by 3 agents looking to create a new reality in Milan where the talent and her career are paramount. Honesty and integrity are the foundation from where grows respect and a caring, supportive environment for the talent to flourish into the best version of themselves.

The Wall, created in 2018 is the essence of this idea. Some of the stars who have benefitted from the diligent management and care of the team, are on a path to becoming some of the most famous upcoming talents in the world.

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Wave Management / The Wall

Wave management was founded in 2015 by 3 agents looking to create a new reality in Milan where the talent and her career are paramount. Honesty and integrity are the foundation from where grows respect and a caring, supportive environment for the talent to flourish into the best version of themselves.

The Wall, created in 2018 is the essence of this idea. Some of the stars who have benefitted from the diligent management and care of the team, are on a path to becoming some of the most famous upcoming talents in the world.

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