Mix Models Agency

Mix Models Agency

We have 2 offices, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo.

Mix Models Agency connects the best talents in fashion and entertainment with the best brands and work in the main cities of America Latina, in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo.
Since 2005, Mix Models has operated with professionalism and seriousness within the fashion world, serving major brands in various segments. We work with an excellent casting of models, from incredible new talents to renowned professionals from the international catwalks.
The quality with which each process is treated, to generate a formidable result, gives the credibility that the brand boasts today. The sincere relationship with customers aims to understand the exact need within the Mix casting, thus opting for the choices that best suit the brand image. Not least, Mix Models is recognized in the national and international market, with customers and partners in the United States and Europe.

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Mix Models Agency

We have 2 offices, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo.

Mix Models Agency connects the best talents in fashion and entertainment with the best brands and work in the main cities of America Latina, in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo.
Since 2005, Mix Models has operated with professionalism and seriousness within the fashion world, serving major brands in various segments. We work with an excellent casting of models, from incredible new talents to renowned professionals from the international catwalks.
The quality with which each process is treated, to generate a formidable result, gives the credibility that the brand boasts today. The sincere relationship with customers aims to understand the exact need within the Mix casting, thus opting for the choices that best suit the brand image. Not least, Mix Models is recognized in the national and international market, with customers and partners in the United States and Europe.

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