Home Agency

Home Agency

Home Agency is a management company with offices in NY/LA, Paris and Tokyo

We represent and give support to well established artists as well as being dedicated to nurturing younger artists in Photography, Styling, Hair and Makeup and provide production services to our artists and clients.

We give guidance to our artists, handle editorial projects, advertising commissions as well as one-off exhibitions and book projects.

Home Agency consults regularly to our beauty and luxury clients and has given insight, advice and consultation on advertising projects, collaborations and special projects.

Representing: Photographers Fabien Montique, Menelik Puryear, Olivia Malone, Rebekah Campbell, Benjamin Bouchet, Daniel King, Antoine Harinthe, David Newton, Xavier Tera, John Clayton Lee, Dai Yamashiro, Max Papendieck and Peter Siskos ; Stylists: Xander Ang, Jaime Kay Waxman, Isabelle Kountoure, Michelle Cameron, John Colver, Miguel Enamorado, Shun Watanabe and Karolyn Pho; Hairstylists Orlando Pita, Peter Gray, Romina Manenti, Takayuki Nukui, Olivier Noraz, Shin Arima, Tomo Jidai, Maranda Widlund, Tiago Goya, Ward Stegerhoek and Yu Nagatomo; and Makeup Artists Francelle Daly, Christelle Cocquet, Charlotte Willer, Jeanine Lobell, Aude Gill, Johanna Nomiey, Asami Taguchi, Sara Tagaloa, Eny Whitehead, Frank B., Tiziana Raimondo and Helene Vasnier; Manicurist Jin Soon Choi, Eri Handa, Riley Miranda, Holly Falcone & Deborah Lippmann; Colorists David Adams and Rachel Bodt, Music Composer Nicolas Leau; Casting Director: Shawn Dezan and Shimana; Movement Director, Anna Collins Creative Director's Flore Bottaro and Mariano Testa

BROSH x WILDSIDE Yohji Yamamoto
Yohji Yamamoto - BROSH x WILDSIDE

Home Agency

Home Agency is a management company with offices in NY/LA, Paris and Tokyo

We represent and give support to well established artists as well as being dedicated to nurturing younger artists in Photography, Styling, Hair and Makeup and provide production services to our artists and clients.

We give guidance to our artists, handle editorial projects, advertising commissions as well as one-off exhibitions and book projects.

Home Agency consults regularly to our beauty and luxury clients and has given insight, advice and consultation on advertising projects, collaborations and special projects.

Representing: Photographers Fabien Montique, Menelik Puryear, Olivia Malone, Rebekah Campbell, Benjamin Bouchet, Daniel King, Antoine Harinthe, David Newton, Xavier Tera, John Clayton Lee, Dai Yamashiro, Max Papendieck and Peter Siskos ; Stylists: Xander Ang, Jaime Kay Waxman, Isabelle Kountoure, Michelle Cameron, John Colver, Miguel Enamorado, Shun Watanabe and Karolyn Pho; Hairstylists Orlando Pita, Peter Gray, Romina Manenti, Takayuki Nukui, Olivier Noraz, Shin Arima, Tomo Jidai, Maranda Widlund, Tiago Goya, Ward Stegerhoek and Yu Nagatomo; and Makeup Artists Francelle Daly, Christelle Cocquet, Charlotte Willer, Jeanine Lobell, Aude Gill, Johanna Nomiey, Asami Taguchi, Sara Tagaloa, Eny Whitehead, Frank B., Tiziana Raimondo and Helene Vasnier; Manicurist Jin Soon Choi, Eri Handa, Riley Miranda, Holly Falcone & Deborah Lippmann; Colorists David Adams and Rachel Bodt, Music Composer Nicolas Leau; Casting Director: Shawn Dezan and Shimana; Movement Director, Anna Collins Creative Director's Flore Bottaro and Mariano Testa

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