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December 12, 2003
Everything's Gone Green!

Introducing MDC's new Member News section
The usually staid IMG throwing a major Christmas bash at hot downtown spot Megu (complete with the Canadian cuties Daria and Stam shimmering like newborn stars, while former MOTW discovery Damien had heads whipping)...Agencies doing record business (upwards of 30% increases) even as the phones keep ringing off the hook deep into December. Are these leading economic indicators signaling that the recession of the past 2 years is finally starting to wane? Whatever the case, all we know is that the boom in bookings is also showering down on MDC as a suite of MDC members have been landing some pretty hot gigs. Check out the details in our new Member News section!
Posted by wayne at 06:13 PM
Leticia's Bounty

Leticia/NY Models. Ph Vincent Peters for The Face Dec 03
It's a monster S/S 04 campaign season for NY Model's leading lady Leticia as she repeats the Armani with Mert n Marcus, as well as picking up a new Armani fragrance spot with said lensmen. Leticia also is the new face of Plein Sud with Vincent Peters shooting. She's got a second fragrance ad in the bag in the form of a new Dior advert shot by Mondino and then there's that Chanel make-up gig with Wolfgang Ludes. Those Brazilians really are the hardest workers no? ...In others NY Models' news...a surprise casting change sees Omahyra replacing Naomi as the new face of Roc A Wear...Speaking of surprises, has it occurred to you that we've never seen the venerable David Bowie in a fashion campaign? If Tommy Hilfiger has his way with his newly launched "H" collection, that's about to change as we're looking at a fax with David and Iman's name as the "confirmations" for said line. That should be interesting!
Posted by wayne at 05:51 PM
A.J 's IT!

AJ/IMG ph by Karl Simone for IMG
You saw him chilling at MDC's Fashion Week bash and did a double take at his naughty shenanigans in that French Vogue shoot courtesy of Terry Richardson. Now brace yourself for a big dose of high visibility AJ as the hot newcomer just nabbed slots in the Tommy Jeans campaign w/ Ellen Von Unworth, Levis w/ Koto Bolofo and Barneys w/ Roxanne Lowitt. And that means it's time to revise the Top 50 Men's listing once more, because this gentleman is simply a must rank!
Posted by wayne at 05:32 PM
Generation Next

Anna J/Next. Ph by Greg Kadel
When the fashion circus reconvenes in January, booking editors and casting directors might want to keep a keen eye out for Next's new generation. Leading the pack is the fetching Anna J with gigs lined up in British Vogue w/ Paolo Roversi, Italian Vogue w/ Steve Hiett and David Sims as well as German Vogue w/ Philipe Cometti. On the Belgium front the elegant Marie V, (currently highlighting an Italian Vogue story w. David Slijpers) flies into NY next week to shoot Teen Vogue next week w/ Terry Tsiolis (Only Girl). Sounds like a prime contender to us! In the meantime, Next's editorial marquee girl Jessica Miller is the new Chloe girl as shot by Terry Richardson as well as this season's Cesare Pacciotti face as shot by Craig McDean.
Posted by wayne at 05:13 PM

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