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October 17, 2003
Paging Mr Robinson.

Ph. John Robinson. Still from Gus van Sant's "Elephant"
Someone once said fashion is the desire for that thing you can't have and if that's the case John Robinson, a high school senior from Lake Oswego, Oregon is very fashionable right this minute. Robinson, the co-star of Gus Van Sant's highly anticipated feature "Elephant" has more than half a dozen major fashion labels chasing him for their S/S 04 campaigns. But young Mr Robinson has been turning everything down, hell bent as he is on making Asia Argento's JT Leroy project his next vehicle...Speaking of S/S 04 expect to see icons Kate Moss and Linda Evangelista front and center in the campaign sweepstakes...In other celebrity news, Britney Spears has a surprise for you tommorow night when she performs on Saturday Night Live. She won't be alone, as her infamous kissing partner from September's MTV Awards will be making a "special appearance". And yes that would be Madonna!
Posted by wayne at 05:22 PM
One Power

Sonja/1 Mgmt. Ph by Andreas Sjdodin
The business is still abuzz with news of Naomi Campbell surfacing at multi-media shop, 1 Mgmt but MDC will always be equally excited by the feat of grooming and guiding a complete unknown onto today's crowded model market. Looking like a winner for the 1 team right this minute is newcomer Sonja, coming off the triple booking of Prada, Miu Miu, and Luella. With the options piling up fast for this one, we'll be watching closely... In other 1 Manangement supermodel news, Eva Herzigova's swimwear line has been drawing rave reviews with powerhouses like Vogue's Anna Wintour and Miuccia Prada dropping by the launch party during Paris Fashion Week. And the buyers are biting too as that ultra-influential Paris boutique Colette, scoops an exclusive on the line. And you thought model merchandising was dead!
Posted by wayne at 03:42 PM

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