After the big bang buzz of that 96 page V supplement, Supreme goes onto the SS10 show market with a succinct rendition of its highly influential aesthetic. The 19 Supreme girls as shot by Purple photographer Hanna Liden are packaged in a monograph-style black box, a context that elegantly balances the goth severity of the images. As has become the standard at Supreme (and that is a standard that has clearly challenged the entire modeling industry) these images are stand-alone and custom created with some very striking styling by Sally Lyndley. More and more the message is pulsing that Supreme is passionate about being a part of that section of the fashion community that pushes, provokes, changes and innovates and by highlighting another photographer who amplifies the aesthetic, that message takes on an additional spirit of openness. The collaboration with V (the insert comes packaged with Linden’s cards) makes that point explicit and more importantly highlights the Supreme girls as creative tropes in and of themselves. Ultimately the star faces of Supreme: Iris, Hanne, Suvi, Meghan, Ranya and Karolin have more than their fair share of beautiful tears and credits that prove their market value of models. What is crucial to this company is that the idea of modeling and the idea of modeling agencies should stand for something creative and emotional. For people who look to fashion to be something more than just product, that passion is moving precisely because of its faith in the power of inspiration.
Supreme Management SS10 Show Package