Uniko Models

Uniko Models

UNIKO Models is a modeling agency based in Barcelona with national and international models, focused in fashion, editorials, catalogs, cinema, TV and advertising.

The agency was born with the idea of creating a new atmosphere in the model – agency – client relationship. Our experience as models has given us extensive knowledge of the modeling industry, both national and international.

Built on the pillars of honesty, professional work, ethics and true loyalty to our moral principles. We want everyone to feel they belong to this family.

models & talent
ranked models

Uniko Models

UNIKO Models is a modeling agency based in Barcelona with national and international models, focused in fashion, editorials, catalogs, cinema, TV and advertising.

The agency was born with the idea of creating a new atmosphere in the model – agency – client relationship. Our experience as models has given us extensive knowledge of the modeling industry, both national and international.

Built on the pillars of honesty, professional work, ethics and true loyalty to our moral principles. We want everyone to feel they belong to this family.

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