The Model CoOp

The Model CoOp

A boutique agency based in New York City, The Model CoOp is the brainchild of veteran agent, Corinne Nicolas, representing some of the industry’s most recognizable faces. The agency is working to empower notable supermodels with global branding and marketing opportunities. With strategy and planning, the Model CoOp strives to synergize the model’s natural talent with entrepreneurial endeavors.

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The Model CoOp

A boutique agency based in New York City, The Model CoOp is the brainchild of veteran agent, Corinne Nicolas, representing some of the industry’s most recognizable faces. The agency is working to empower notable supermodels with global branding and marketing opportunities. With strategy and planning, the Model CoOp strives to synergize the model’s natural talent with entrepreneurial endeavors. does not endorse or guarantee the accuracy of agency supplied biographies or content.
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