LO Management

LO Management

Lo Management is one of the leading model agencies in South America. Founded at the end of 2008, it is run by argentinian model Lorena Ceriscioli. Lorena was able to build an agency based on firm ethics which continues to these days. We are a selective agency and supply models throughout the most im- portant fashion cities for various campaigns and fashion shows. Our staff has a reputation for professionalism and hard work: the right attitude has to be as im- portant as the look. We build long-term client relationships, attempting consistently to have the best talent available for them to book. We plan each model's career for the future and we invest in that. Our efforts and philosophy are aim at maximizing all of our models potential...

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LO Management

Lo Management is one of the leading model agencies in South America. Founded at the end of 2008, it is run by argentinian model Lorena Ceriscioli. Lorena was able to build an agency based on firm ethics which continues to these days. We are a selective agency and supply models throughout the most im- portant fashion cities for various campaigns and fashion shows. Our staff has a reputation for professionalism and hard work: the right attitude has to be as im- portant as the look. We build long-term client relationships, attempting consistently to have the best talent available for them to book. We plan each model's career for the future and we invest in that. Our efforts and philosophy are aim at maximizing all of our models potential...

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