Known Model Management

Known Model Management


Specializes in unique faces with striking appearances and personalities. We manage all genders. Our great team is dedicated to finding that one supermodel and build a long term international carreer.

We are a indepent agency with a global network of clients.

We are committed to bringing out the best in you as a model, by supporting and coaching you in your development.

Ismael Santana Vasquez as the founder of the company will be your guide in each step your Journey.

Models & Talent
Ranked Models

Known Model Management


Specializes in unique faces with striking appearances and personalities. We manage all genders. Our great team is dedicated to finding that one supermodel and build a long term international carreer.

We are a indepent agency with a global network of clients.

We are committed to bringing out the best in you as a model, by supporting and coaching you in your development.

Ismael Santana Vasquez as the founder of the company will be your guide in each step your Journey. does not endorse or guarantee the accuracy of agency supplied biographies or content.
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