Of the Minute
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December 12, 2003
Everything's Gone Green!

Introducing MDC's new Member News section
The usually staid IMG throwing a major Christmas bash at hot downtown spot Megu (complete with the Canadian cuties Daria and Stam shimmering like newborn stars, while former MOTW discovery Damien had heads whipping)...Agencies doing record business (upwards of 30% increases) even as the phones keep ringing off the hook deep into December. Are these leading economic indicators signaling that the recession of the past 2 years is finally starting to wane? Whatever the case, all we know is that the boom in bookings is also showering down on MDC as a suite of MDC members have been landing some pretty hot gigs. Check out the details in our new Member News section!

Posted by wayne at December 12, 2003 06:13 PM

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