Hello, Weibo! 你好, 微博!

Models.com delves into the Chinese social media scene with a brand new Sina Weibo account (the Chinese Twitter). In the last year China has quickly become the number 3 source of visitors on models.com with over 100,000 visitors per month, and now with 5 Chinese models in the Top 50 it seems like the perfect time to have a direct voice in this exciting fashion market.

Chinese readers will be treated to the latest updates from Team MDC, as well as special features about fashion, celebrities and of course models! Keep up with all the rankings, interviews, new faces and industry news all on the Models.com Weibo at weibo.com/modelsdotcom (a Weibo account is required to view)


在MDC团队的努力下,中国的读者们会有与全球同步的消息更新以及我们对时尚,明星和模特们的特别相关报导!想要赶上所有排行榜,访谈,,新面孔和业界最新消息,那就赶快关注Models.com的官方新浪微博 – weibo.com/modelsdotcom (需要注册微博,才能看到所有讯息).

And while you’re at it, follow these fashionable mainstays on Weibo (a very small sampling!)

有微博帐号了吗?有的话那就来关注以下这些在微博上活跃的时尚相关人士吧. (先简单介绍,之后还有更多!).

Models we love on Weibo:

A few other people we love on Weibo:

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