Beatriz was shot for by Patricia Ruiz del Portal, with styling by Esperanza de la Fuente, hair by Shunsuke Meguro using Bumble and Bumble, and makeup by Victoria Martin using Kiko Cosmetics. Thanks to Jose Peluffo.


Beatriz Machado

Elite London ()
The Society Management (New York)
Elite Paris ()
Elite Milan ()
We Are Models (Lisboa)


1.77cm (5’9.5″)

Place of Origin:
Barretos, interior of São Paulo, Brazil

Ethnic Origin:
1/2 indigenous, 1/2 Italian



How discovered:
I was discovered through an agency scout in my hometown! And that’s how I met my mother agency in Sao Paulo.

What was your first modeling job?
It was a shoot for a photographer!  I was super nervous!  But at the same time calm hahaha!  I did not know what to do!  But then everything was fine.

Favorite designer/brand/product:
I was really in love with Karl Lagerfeld’s work! In each design, he put a little of himself! Love and dedication! I would have really loved to have the opportunity of working with him.

What’s your beauty routine?
The key to good skin is to drink lots of water and always have a good night’s sleep!  This is fundamental!  But besides that, I always use moisturizers and vitamin E facial masks!  2 or 3 times a week I use an exfoliator to clean well!  Lately I'm using Foreo and I'm loving the result!  It's making my skin beautiful and luminous! At night I like to pass a good fire hydrant and a lip gloss!

Favorite modeling experience so far?
So far, I have 2 jobs that are my favourites! My first favourite experience was to open Luís Onofre’s concert twice in Portugal! I can’t explain the feeling! One of them was a shoot with Photographer Gerrod! We were walking around London and photographing! It was an amazing day and a lot of fun!  And the photos were beautiful!

What would you be doing if you weren’t modeling? Or what do you want to do after modeling?
Honestly, I don’t know, hahaha! I never stopped to wonder what my life would be like if I wasn’t a model! I want to go to astronomy college! And keep on learning.

Which brand would you really love to model for?
I would really like to campaign and walk to Versace! In my opinion, it is a very strong brand and it shows how strong women are! The shows and the last seasons have been amazing

Some of your favorite things:
I love being in a park with my friends, listening to music and telling stories! Watching the sunset! I like to be at my home in Brazil! Cooking and learning recipes with my mom! Playing with my dog! I can’t live without music! Bia without music is a boring person, hahaha.

What are you listening to at the moment?
Oh my God, my playlist is completely random, hahaha! Lately, I’ve been listening to songs like Bruno Mars and Billie Eilish.

Favorite movie(s) or TV show(s):
I really like movies and comedy shows! As stand up! They are so funny!

How was your life different 12 months ago?
Oh wow! Completely different! In 12 months, many things happened! I had the pleasure of meeting amazing people who made me see the world differently! Opinions have changed! Attitudes and many other things! Bia from 12 months ago would be surprised to see Bia now!

What always makes you laugh?
I love being with funny people! That tell jokes! It’s not too hard to make me laugh, hahaha.

Currently you’re obsessed with/about:
I’m super obsessed with a criminal investigation series! But also, for a lemon mousse pie that is out of this world, hahaha.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?
The best advice I ever received was from my grandmother! “Follow your heart, your dreams; you don’t have to have much, you just need to be happy.”