
Fidan Soltanova — @fidansolt — Azerbaijani from Brooklyn, New York, USA — born September 22nd — 172 cm / 5’7.5″ — she/her.

That Agency (Los Angeles), Dreamland (New York – mother agency)

— Tell us about your hometown.
I’m from Baku, Azerbaijan, a town called Yasamal and its very special lands. I didn’t grow up in Baku, but I go back and visit frequently. I grew up in Brooklyn, NY. The best thing growing up was being able to buy my 5-course meal at the deli with a lucky $2 bill when chips and juices were 25¢ each. And the worst thing about Brooklyn is how our favorite restaurants and spots are being bought out by private equity companies and gentrification by newcomers. Also, the kids with dirt bikes that start riding them at 2-4 am and making crazy noises with the muffler. They both suck.

— What’s a favorite book/movie/TV show, and why do you love it?
I love this book called Modernists and Mavericks by Martin Gayford because it is a single narration of the painting and artist scene in London, post-Second World War. It includes illustrations from the time and photographs of the artists and their lives are documented. They all have such peculiarities and idiosyncrasies about themselves and their way of creativity that light and fill my mind up, as an artist myself, when reading about these iconic figures. So I really love that book.

— One thing people may be surprised to find out about you:
I speak four languages and sing in others, too. I speak Azeri, English, French, and Spanish on a daily to weekly basis. I also speak Russian and Turkish, but I can’t say I’m fluent anymore. And I sing in Portuguese. I find speaking multiple languages in America to be more of a rarity, so people find this fascinating.


Imogen Cunliffe@imo_cunliffe — British from Manchester, UK — born March 5th — 178 cm / 5’10” — she/her.

Boss Models UK (Manchester), Marilyn Agency (New York), Fashion Model Management (Milan), The Squad (London)

— How did you become a model?
I was scouted three times before I actually decided to give it a go. The third time, I was at the Christmas markets with my boyfriend when I was stopped (by my now-agent). This time, I decided I was going to give it my best shot, and I’m so glad I did!

— One thing people may be surprised to find out about you:
When I was 11, I started playing in a steel band called Pantonic All Stars. We traveled all around the country and parts of Europe, raising money for charity.

— What was the last thing you Googled?
I have always loved animals; therefore, I want my pets to have the best life/fun things to do. I am always Googling the specific plants that my betta fish would like or how to keep my hamster entertained.


Jinhee Han@jinheehann — Korean from Seoul, South Korea — born July 13th — 189 cm / 6’2.5″ — he/him.

Bananas Models (Paris – mother agency), Why Not Model Management (Milan), Elite London

— What’s an essential part of your daily routine?
When I am in Korea, almost every day is organized. After I wake up at home, I wash up, eat lunch, exercise at the gym and rest at home. Come to think of it, my daily routine remains the same even when I’m in Europe.

— What is your biggest irrational fear?
To be honest, I want to say this is what I’m doing. There are always successes and failures in the fashion world. I haven’t been challenged more than others yet, and I’ve failed less often, but I may not always be cast, and I may not be able to work. I always want to achieve many achievements, but I’m always afraid of failures that may come at any time. But this is also the part that allows me to enjoy my job as a model; I know it is a little weird 😂😂

— One thing people may be surprised to find out about you:
I’m very introverted; I never take pictures of myself.


Mikolaj Gawski — @mikolajgawski_ — Polish from Warsaw, Poland — born September 22nd — 187 cm / 6’1.5″ — he/him.

Selective Management (Warsaw – mother agency)

— The most interesting thing about your family:
My grandfather was a professional soccer player; now he is a physical education teacher.

— How did you become a model?
I was on the way back from shopping, and the scout from my mother agency stopped me and gave me his business card.

— One thing people may be surprised to find out about you:
I love to cook, which is why I went to gastronomic school. My favorite types of food are Italian and Asian. I also love to eat.


Subomi Soloman — @iamsubomioflagos_ — Nigerian from Lagos, Nigeria — born April 4th — 186 cm / 6’1″ — he/him.

Named Models (London), Cool Model (Nigeria – mother agency), City Models (Paris), CREW Model Management (Milan), Trend Model Management (Barcelona)

— Tell us about your hometown.
My home is situated on the mainland depths of Lagos state. It’s always fun during the Christian and Muslim festivals or raze parties. It has an international airport and a local airport. The sad thing about my hometown is the high crime rate and crazy economic growth.

— Share a bit about your background and upbringing.
Growing up in a tough neighborhood, often referred to as “the trenches,” shaped me in ways that I couldn’t fully appreciate until later in life. Life in the trenches meant facing daily challenges, from economic hardships to the constant presence of crime. My family worked hard to make ends meet, and I quickly learned the value of resilience and resourcefulness. Despite the tough environment, my community was filled with individuals who looked out for one another. We formed strong bonds and found joy in simple pleasures. My parents emphasized the importance of education and staying out of trouble, pushing me to excel in school as a path to a better future. These experiences instilled in me a gritty determination to overcome obstacles and pursue my dreams, no matter the odds.

— If you were to choose a song that symbolizes this current phase of your life, what would it be and why?
If I were to choose a song that symbolizes this current phase of my life, it would be “Level Up” by Burna Boy. This song reflects my current mindset of growth and ambition. I’m in a phase where I’m focused on self-improvement and reaching new heights in both my personal and professional life. The lyrics talk about overcoming challenges and striving for better, which perfectly aligns with my current journey of leveling up in every aspect. The upbeat rhythm and motivational message keep me inspired and driven to achieve my goals.


Yang Li — @yangchuan0909 — Chinese from Hangzhou, China — born September 29th — 177 cm / 5’9.5″ — she/her.

Lacoco Model Management (Shanghai – mother agency), Trend Model Management (Barcelona), Flash model (Istanbul), kin (Seoul)

— Tell us about your hometown.
Anhui, located in China, has a rich historical and cultural heritage. However, due to work, I rarely stay in my hometown.

— If money wasn’t an obstacle, what would you be doing with your life?
Read a book every day, soak in the peace and happiness of life, and help others.

— What’s a favorite book/movie/TV show, and why do you love it?
“Little Women” and “The Pursuit of Happyness” give me great encouragement and direction.