Daily Duo: Charlotte

November 30, 2015


Charlotte May McGuinness, 180 cm / 5’11”, English, born May 1st.


Fresh-faced Charlotte from Suffolk is the consummate English rose. But her appeal doesn’t end there; her dramatic brows, perfect poise, and lush body all add up to absolute gorgeousness. A trained actress, Charlotte recently graduated from the prestigious Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, so she is currently developing both her modelling and acting career. Modelling now for just two months after being discovered on instagram by an agent from Milk Management, Charlotte has already shot a commercial in NYC, done a shoot in Chile, and is booked to work in South Africa very soon. Charlotte has a passion for photography and achieved the highest grade in Britain for her A-Level photography exam — but this beauty with the incredible eyes and generous curves will be spending her time in front of the camera for the foreseeable future.


Milk Management (London – mother agency)
