
Jack Billman@jackbillmann — American from Colorado, USA — born September 18th — 188 cm / 6’2.5″ — he/him.

Two Management (Los Angeles), U Models (New York – mother agency), Two Management (New York), Special Management (Milan), Two Management (Barcelona), Two Management Germany (Berlin), Two Management Scandinavia (Copenhagen)

— One thing people may be surprised to find out about you:
Many people might be surprised to learn about my background and interest in the medical field. In college, I began my studies in nursing, completing several clinicals and gaining extensive experience in patient care. I worked on the surgical reconstruction floor of a hospital for over a year as a nurse extern, often floating to the emergency room, my favorite unit. The combination of adrenaline and caring for a person’s holistic health gave me a rush and satisfaction, unlike any other job I’ve ever had. Although I was accepted into medical school during undergrad, I decided not to pursue it. However, I remain passionate about healthcare and currently provide home healthcare to various patients in New York City. I hope to continue my education in the medical field as time progresses.

— Share a bit about your background and upbringing.
I was blessed to be adopted, and I have been lucky to have gotten to know my biological family over the years. I’ve grown close to my biological family, with my adoptive parents fully supporting these relationships. I cherish the bonds with my cousins, siblings, grandparents, and parents. My life has been defined by the sacrificial and selfless love of my biological mother, who wanted to give me the best life possible, and my adoptive parents, who took me in and raised me with immense love. I am extremely grateful for the gift of life.

— An issue or cause you are passionate about:
I believe every human has a right to healthcare, regardless of class, race, religion, or any other demographic factor. Partnering with various organizations, such as Momentum Global in the slums of Kolkata, India, ignited a passion in me for supporting those deemed ‘untouchable.’ I met Raahithya Acharya, a sick man ostracized due to his family name and class. He was lying on the floor of his 8×9 house, which he shared with his family of five. Raahithya had been feverish for weeks, needing only an IV with various medicines to recover. Unable to work, his family’s survival was dependent on his recovery, but as a low-caste individual, he couldn’t access healthcare. Millions are in Raahithya’s situation, and millions are dying. Additionally, countless children are being sold into human trafficking to pay off family debts and medical expenses. This is a global issue, not confined to slums in developing communities. Human trafficking and discrimination based on race, religion, and gender is a multi-trillion-dollar industry affecting neighborhoods worldwide. Thus, I am passionate about advocating for the voiceless. Having been fortunate enough to grow up without facing such discrimination, I feel it is our duty to serve those who are marginalized. Love is patient, kind, whole, and free; I strive to show this to everyone I encounter. I aim to be a beacon of hope for those who feel they are lost, for those who the world has claimed as worthless.


Libby Taverner — @libbytaverner — Australia from Perth, Western Australia — born June 6th — 178 cm / 5’10” — she/her.

Vivien’s Model Management (Sydney – mother agency), Premier Model Management (London)

— What’s a favorite book/movie/TV show, and why do you love it?
My favourite TV show is Gossip Girl. I love Gossip Girl because of the fashion, drama, relationships, and characters. I fantasize about living in New York since I’ve watched this show.

— One thing people may be surprised to find out about you:
I used to live on a farm in a small town in Queensland called Bundaberg. Most of the time, when I tell people in Perth this fact about me, they are surprised to find that Bundaberg is an actual place and not just a brand name for a drink.

— What’s a story your family/friends like to tell about you?
The time I was six years old, I went on a ski chair lift without putting the bar down, so I had nothing protecting me from slipping off and falling a decent distance. I was with another two 6-year-olds and a 4-year-old, so we had no clue how to put the bar down. Our older siblings were like two chairs behind us and were yelling out to us to put the bar down, but we just thought they were waving and saying hello, so we just smiled and waved back at them. Fortunately, we made it safely up the chair lift, but it could’ve been a different story.


Seungmin Hong — @itshongtime — Korean from Seoul, South Korea — born June 13th — 188 cm / 6’2.5″ — he/him.

Model Directors Management (Seoul – mother agency), The Claw (Paris), The Claw (Milan)

— What are 3 interesting facts about you?
1. Three years ago, I adopted two stray cats without realizing that I was allergic to them. As a result, I’ve been struggling with chronic rhinitis and taking medication.
2. My friends call me the ‘instant ramen’ version of a person because every time I go clubbing with my friends, I start complaining within 3 minutes about wanting to go home or outside.
3. I’m very spontaneous. When I was 19, my friends said, “Let’s go to Japan right now!” Without even packing my luggage, I headed to Japan within 3 hours.

— What is your biggest irrational fear?
I really hate cicadas. In Korea, cicadas emerge from the ground every summer and make noise all day for three months. The reason why I hate them so much is because once it flew into my room through my window, and I couldn’t catch it for the whole day because it was super fast and disappeared somewhere in my house.

— If you were to choose a song that symbolizes this current phase of your life, what would it be and why?
Try Everything from Zootopia. I have many things that I want to do in my life, and I always keep trying new things. As a result, I have also faced many failures and achieved fewer great results that I anticipated in my attempts, but I never give up. I still am afraid to keep going because of the uncertainty of the results. Whenever I feel this way, I listen to Try Everything to motivate myself again.


Tonggang Ye — Chinese from Weifang, Shandong, China — born October 2nd — 187 cm / 6’1.5″ — he/him.

Tiffany Models Management (Shanghai – mother agency)

— What are 3 interesting facts about you?
1. I like to play rugby in my spare time.
2. I like to go hiking.
3. I go rock climbing outdoors on weekends.

— How did you become a model?
At that time, Tiffany came to the school for an interview and picked me, thinking that I was suitable for being a model.

— An issue or cause you are passionate about:
What I love most is the modeling industry; I enjoy being in the light and can constantly strive to learn new things.


Warsan Mohamed — @warsaaaan — Danish from Copenhagen, Denmark — born April 14th — 175 cm / 5’9″ — she/her.

Mouna Models (Amsterdam – mother agency), Mirrrs Models (Hamburg)

— What is your biggest irrational fear?
I recently discovered a new fear. My friends and I were walking through a bog with A LOT of frogs. It was night time which made it much scarier. Come to find out, I was terrified and started crying, yikes. So frogs are one of my newly discovered fears.

— What’s an essential part of your daily routine?
An essential part of my daily routine is prayers. I feel grounded when I pray throughout my day.

— The most interesting thing about your family:
A random thing about my family is that all of my cousins refer to our aunties as moms. So when someone overhears me speak with my mom, it might not be my mom, but auntie <3


Winter — @win.gif — German from Berlin, Germany — born April 24th — 178 cm / 5’10” — they/them.

Eli Xavier (mother agency), IMG New York, IMG London, The MiLK Collective (London), IMG Los Angeles, IMG Australia (Sydney)

— How did you become a model?
I was on my way home when I was 16. My now-agent came up to me and asked me if I was a model. I was very skeptical at first and asked a million questions. Thankfully he was very sweet and understanding and I signed with him in June 2022. In September 2023 I finally had my runway debut and it picked up from there. An optimal experience of being scouted, you could say.

— The most interesting thing about your family:
My dad’s family is royal, even if it is on the lowest level. Our first common ancestor was knighted in Sweden before he moved to Estonia. The family served the Russian tzar until they fled to Germany after the end of his reign.

— What are three interesting facts about you?
1. I can make conversation in five languages.
2. I actually don’t like the winter that much.
3. My eyes are different colors.