Arthur was photographed exclusively for by Adam Peter Johnson, with styling by Alex Assil (assisted by Mariella Delfino, Valentina Bisco, Ines Pottier Bedos & Juliette Muzyka). Thanks to Clément.


Arthur Hargous (@arthur_hrgs)


New Madison (Paris)



Place of Origin:
Bordeaux, France

Ethnic Origin:


Did you always want to be a model? Tell us about how you were discovered.
To be honest, I’d never thought I could be a model… until I met my mother agent, Adam Peter Johnson (photographer), for the very first time. He believed in me and we started shooting. Then, I signed with New Madison Models in Paris – I love to work with them.

Most memorable modeling experience so far?
Having the opportunity to shoot for The Leopard with Alister Mackie. And to have done my very first campaign with David Sims for Gucci by Sabato de Sarno.

One song you have on repeat, and why?
I listen a lot to Everlong by the Foo Fighters, gives me some good vibes for the day!

What other passions do you have aside from modeling?
I love surfing! I’ve been doing that since I was a child. More recently, I’ve bought a camera to learn photography.

What is something you’ve always wanted to do/try?
I’d love to start learning electric guitar.

What’s one thing people may be surprised to find out about you?
I like to apply some dark brown kohl pencil on my eyes.

What change would you like to see in the world?
Live in harmony with nature, and may the world be at peace.