
Bobbi Lombard — @bobbiilombard — South African from Langebaan, Cape Town, South Africa — born February 25th — 177 cm / 5’9.5″ — she/her.

Kult South Africa (Cape Town – mother agency), Muse Management (New York)

— The most interesting thing about your family:
I have a very mixed background. My parents are South African, one with Scandinavian/Italian descent and the other Filipino. They fell in love shortly after apartheid ended, and my birth brought together families from very different cultures – which I find extremely beautiful and unique.

— Who is your favourite entertainer?
Madonna. She’s THE material girl. I find everything she does so iconic – If I ever need a mood booster, ‘Hung Up’ will always do the job.

— What are three interesting facts about you?
1. I’m allergic to dogs and cats, but I have both dogs and cats and will persevere through the sneezing and itching for cuddles from them.
2. My music taste is greatly influenced by my dad. From a very young age, he introduced me to all the greats: Prince, The Rolling Stones, AC/DC, Kanye West, and Supertramp.
3. I like to wear big chunky rings on almost every finger because the author of my favorite childhood books, Jacquline Wilson, would do the same.


Isabela Ibarguen — @isabela___ic — Colombia from Medellín, Colombia — born June 3rd — 179 cm / 5’10.5″ — she/her.

XY Models (Medellín – other agency)

— How did you become a model?
I was finishing my senior year and wanted to do something else besides studying, so I started researching agencies in my city and found my mother agency. I did the whole process without much faith and as a hobby, without imagining that I would achieve some of my dreams, there are still several to fulfill but let’s go for those.

— What’s a story your family/friends like to tell about you?
My family likes to tell an anecdote that when I was little, my family would get together on the weekends, and I loved to wear my mother’s heels and accessories and say that I was on a catwalk.

— One thing people may be surprised to find out about you:
If I wasn’t a model, I would be training to be a policeman or fireman.


Joe Fidler — @an_artless_freak — Australian from Sydney, Australia — born June 23rd — 184 cm / 6’0.5″ — he/him.

FiveTwenty Model Management (Sydney – mother agency)

— If money wasn’t an obstacle, what would you be doing with your life?
I think I’d become a modern-day version of a 15th-century Florentine patron of the arts and sciences and devote my fortune to wonderful things. That, or by a house in Sydney.

— One thing people may be surprised to find out about you?
I am both left-handed and Dyslexic. The world can feel confusing sometimes.

— If you were to choose a song that symbolizes this current phase of your life, what would it be and why?
It would be, ‘Spring Is Coming With A Flower In Her Mouth’ by Rodger Doyle. It is currently autumn in the Southern Hemisphere, but I am having a sort of personal spring to myself.


Keenan Coleman — @Keenan2Kool — American from Portland, Oregon, USA — born September 10th — 188 cm / 6’2″ — he/him.

Heffner Management (Seattle – mother agency)

— Can you tell us about your happiest childhood memory?
As a kid, some of my best memories were just having fun with my siblings. Being the youngest of 4, I loved doing stuff as simple as playing basketball at the park with them or riding on the back of one of my older siblings’ bikes. These simple moments brought us closer and made for some unforgettable times.

— What’s an essential part of your daily routine?
The most important part of my daily routine centers on spending an hour before bed stretching and reading. I find that in our fast-paced world, this deliberate slowing down helps me unwind, bringing tranquility before I sleep.

— One thing people may be surprised to find out about you?
My passion for fitness and exercise. I’ve been involved in sports since I can remember, and I still play college basketball. Recently, I’ve discovered the joy of activities like yoga and hiking, not just for the physical benefits but also for the sense of well-being they bring me spiritually.


Mahmut Yildirim — @yildirmmahmt — Turkish/Belgian from Beringen, Belgium — born October 4th — 188 cm / 6’2″ — he/him.

Citizen Management (Istanbul – mother agency)

— Tell us about your hometown.
I was born in Beringen, Belgium, but after six years, I moved to Istanbul. The worst thing about Istanbul is that it is a very crowded and busy city. I would say the best things about Istanbul are the sunny weather, its beautiful seaside, and its powerful energy.

— Share a bit about your background and upbringing.
I grew up with a pressure on me in a conservative family. So, I continued my life according to my family’s opinions. Then, in my last year of high school, I asked myself, “Why am I doing things I don’t want to?” After that, I turned to modeling, and I am happy with my decision.

— If you were to choose a song that symbolizes this current phase of your life, what would it be and why?
Bon Iver, St. Vincent – “Rosyln”. Whenever I am confused, it is the first thing I turn on to listen. This song relaxes me.


Zuzanna Szojda — @zuziaszojda — Polish from Katowice, Poland — born May 8th — 173 cm / 5’8″ — she/her.

Wave Model Management Poland (Warsaw – mother agency)

— If money wasn’t an obstacle, what would you be doing with your life?
I love the concept of coffee shops and the tradition of drinking coffee in general. It is a great pleasure of mine to visit new cafes in different cities while traveling and keep my own little ranking. If money wasn’t an obstacle, I would open my own cafe. It would be a dream come true that combines two of my favorite things. The concept of drinking coffee, as a form of uniting people, and my passion for baking as well.

— How did you become a model?
For many years, my family has been encouraging me to apply to a modeling agency. However, I have always hesitated and couldn’t find the courage to take that first step. Nevertheless, the situation changed when last year I received a gift for my birthday from my sister and mom, which was a test shoot with one of the photographers in my city. That session gave me a greater sense of self-confidence and reassured me what a great experience it could be. After a few months, I sent my application, and that is how I started my adventure with modeling.

— What’s a favorite book/movie/TV show, and why do you love it?
One of the series that I have already watched three times and will definitely watch many more is “Sex and the City,” a series I always watch with my sister, which engages me the same every time. First of all, I love Carrie’s outfits, her originality and freedom in expressing herself. I consider her style to be an inspiration nowadays, which may be seen in many trends as well.