Through Whose Lens?
Posted by Stephan Moskovic | January 26th, 2012
Through Whose Lens?
Experience fashion week from the model perspective. Model turned photographer Julian Schratter gave some of today’s top faces disposable cameras and had them document their backstage and behind the scenes of Milan menswear for a special project. This one of a kind candid view features snapshots from all your favorites, River, Francisco, Adrian and more! View the world throughWHOSE lens – only in MDX. And check out for more!
Photos by:
Adrian Cardoso
River Viiperi
Pete Bolton
Tobias Sorensen
Joan Pedrola
Francisco Lachowski
Jamie Jewitt
Beck B
Corey Baptiste
Vladimir Ivanov
Carlo Faenza (casting director)
» Fashion Week
Cool set of photos man! Jules: What kind camera have you and what kind of filters have you used for these photos?
Julian Schratter is a great photographer, I’m glad that is a big supporter of his work, and cool to see more favorites here, like River, Adrian, Alex Cunha Ryan Barrett and Sebastian
I love the Alexandre Cunha loving in most of the photos, well done Julian!
In response to Sebastien: Most of this pics were taken by the models, Julian gave them disponsable cameras and this is what it turned out 🙂
So proud!
also a big thanks to
I really enjoy your work 🙂 big up for you Jules…
God !
FRANCISCO FRANCISCO FRANCISCO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he’s completed this whole piece.
some great models and cool shots, but many here really need to lose the cancer sticks and the lame wanna be gang banger poseur hand signals
very alternative and spontaneous!!! I love it!
I love these pics!
I love Francisco.
Фуууууу, блять..
Чуть не вырвало меня от таких мужиков……
@ Marcto thanks. It turned out very well with these cameras!
Loving Julian’s raw style. I’ve always loved photography that captures happiness and fun in the moment. (Sent here bu Julian from “ThroughJulesLens” (Tumblr) )
Some great shots! Really energetic & fun, looks like the guys had a blast. <3 throughjuleslens. If you like these photos, you should definitely follow his Tumblr account. Nice work Jules.
awesome photos! great and well-executed idea. i love the spontaneity and the ‘disposable’ness.
It shows you don’t need a 600 dollar/euro camera to take good pictures.
We need more candid behind the scenes photos!
We should all thank Jules for the brilliant idea!
you fucking go, Jules
Beyond DOPE. Capturing moments in such a way really shows the creativity of a person. Jules is clearly a force! I love each and everyone of these photos!
These shots are dope. GOOD JOB JULES! The concept is great and really insightful. Keep up the good work, dude.
I came from throughjuleslens, btw 🙂
Great shots Jules. Keep it up!
I came from throughjuleslens.
Phenomenal shots, truly genius work!
from throughjuleslens!
clair, net, précis. putain, ça fonctionne terriblement bien.
a french girl who cames from throughjuleslens.
loved these just as much as the ones you post on your tumblr,(throughjuleslens)
Came here from throughjules…this is awesome, I think I looked through the pictures 10 times?
The fact that you guys used disposable cameras and shot each other gives the pictures so much character. I know a lot of people give out disposable cameras at weddings so it can be captured from as many perspectives as possible. I use them all the time (call them paper cameras) cause they’re so cheap and the pictures turn out so well. Photography is all about perspective.
Great idea Jules! Would LOVE to see more like this on
This is my favorite post from MDX in a while. More, More, More! I love the way the pictures turned out with the disposable cameras. And of course, Francisco Lachowski!! Thanks to throughjuleslens which brought me here
Looks great! Keep up the good work 🙂 Can’t wait to see more!
Came here from throughjuleslens.
Long time fan of throughjuleslens and Jules’ work.
Keep em coming!
Love the photos! Great work, buddy! Keep it up!!
I think the pictures are the proof that even photos, taken with disposable cameras can be really great!
good idea to do a story “live” on the careers of models, as seen from a model. The idea is very original and the picture quality is very nice and sophisticated!
Jules good. Continues to churn out these beautiful projects! And I wish you a career full of rewards!
Mattia M.
Love the concept!
Please keep these up, more than perfect.
I love!
åoekejgeit4aååeöeke these photos are so great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
Love the spontaneity!
The “gangsta” crap is just that-CRAP!
Knock it off already! That nonsense went out of fashion in the late 90’s.
Brilliant concept otherwise. The make-up station brings back fond memories.