Ikon Model Management

IKON Model Management is a boutique agency founded by Julia Kuijpers in the heart of Amsterdam. IKON specializes in the discovery and management of a select group of diverse female models. IKON adheres to the philosophy that a model's career is a personal growth for both them and us. Our approach is therefore tailored to the needs of the model. IKON is characterized by Julia's eye for unique faces and personalities to work in the fashion industry and her personal management approach.

Models & Talent
Ranked Models


Droogbak 17
1013 GG Netherlands

Ikon Model Management

IKON Model Management is a boutique agency founded by Julia Kuijpers in the heart of Amsterdam. IKON specializes in the discovery and management of a select group of diverse female models. IKON adheres to the philosophy that a model's career is a personal growth for both them and us. Our approach is therefore tailored to the needs of the model. IKON is characterized by Julia's eye for unique faces and personalities to work in the fashion industry and her personal management approach.

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