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SKI -- Apres Le Hockey Jersey, quoi? DKNY's Fall line was working it to a genius extreme. Youth Cult out posts from Mademoiselle to The Source to Details are doing it. Even the ever dignified Vogue and New York Times has caught whiff of this exhilarating style shift. For the first time in a long time mainstream fashion culture has finally come up with a tenable (and therefore buyable) look. For the coming winter storms, whether you be B-boy or Bowery girl, you've got to ski-it-up, via ya big goggles, ya cropped down jackets, ya boot cut jeans or ya ski pants. And if you're feeling especially evil, feel free to stalk West Broadway with a ski shaft swinging walking stick style.
SLIM--Streamlining is in. It's been de riguer for the girls for a while now but in the baggy world of boyswear, there are dangerous signs of a style revolt brewing in the margins. I mean baggy will never die but if your newly toned body is screaming, why bury it? The signs are flashing: hot lensman Jayson Keeling stilled Fort Greene when he debuted the modernity of Agnes B's slim chocolate suede trousers to the neighbourhood hoodies. Last winter those shrewd tastemakers over at Kanae and Onyx were fetishizing those UPS workers every which way (especially down). And what was that nefarious Crave The Mad Honey thinking when he gallivanted through the Bryant Park Shows in those custom cut slim suits straight from London anchored by $40 workboots. Its namely that long legs in tight pants pinned down by bulky boots works. Brace yourself for a summer 96 rash of new school boyz and girlz working that blue collar frisson.