Heard the one about the beautiful young girl from a small American city who captivated Karl Lagerfeld and was booked for a major slot in his Chanel show? The gist is this, she looked at her booker, blinked twice and went..."Who's Chanel?" Fortunately for her, all involved found it charming, but there have been sad cases of girls who didn't quite know who this designer was, or that magazine editor or that power stylist and the results were less charming.

And of course there's that other legend of the girl who burst into tears at the thought that this Peter Lindberg picture should be put on the front of her card because (quote) "I look so totally gross!"

To prevent any such further career tragedies MODELS.com is pleased to present Part 2 of its "Fashion Intelligence" column. This is a crib-sheet of some of the photographers that you might want to make note of for your go-sees and castings.


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