Iconoclast Image

Iconoclast Image

The image department is dedicated to photography and visual creations. ICONOCLAST IMAGE is proud to represent a selection of internationally renowned artists such as Jean Baptiste Mondino, Harmony Korine, Gus Van Sant alongside emerging artists part of a the new generation like Elina Kechicheva, Alice Moitié, Sasha Marro, Romain Roucoules and many more.

Our strength is to manage our artists in order to develop their universe and creative sensibilities. We also accompany them from the process of the creative conception to the actual production of their work.

Through our editorial missions, commercials, as well as artistic and personal projects, we have the long-term ambition to bring forth a new energy in order to produce innovative projects.


Iconoclast Image

The image department is dedicated to photography and visual creations. ICONOCLAST IMAGE is proud to represent a selection of internationally renowned artists such as Jean Baptiste Mondino, Harmony Korine, Gus Van Sant alongside emerging artists part of a the new generation like Elina Kechicheva, Alice Moitié, Sasha Marro, Romain Roucoules and many more.

Our strength is to manage our artists in order to develop their universe and creative sensibilities. We also accompany them from the process of the creative conception to the actual production of their work.

Through our editorial missions, commercials, as well as artistic and personal projects, we have the long-term ambition to bring forth a new energy in order to produce innovative projects.

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